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7 000 ex-Zipra members, identifies 100 properties

by Staff reporter
13 Feb 2024 at 23:39hrs | Views
EX-ZIMBABWE People's Revolutionary Army (Zipra) combatants through their Nitram Properties will tomorrow submit a list of beneficiaries of buildings dotted across the country to Vice-President Kembo Mohadi to facilitate legal transfer.

The list has 7 000 ex-Zipra members and 100 identified buildings. Nitram Properties board chairperson Volta Ekem Moyo said this was part of a process endorsed by President Mnangagwa to enable them to get back their properties.

Moyo said a board was set up in 2023 to spearhead the process of identifying properties in consultation with the Government as instructed by President Mnangagwa.

"We have come to the end of the process and we have submitted the list to our facilitator and coordinator of the programme, Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube," he said.

Moyo said the document will then be submitted to VP Mohadi who will forward it to President Mnangagwa for action.

He said the properties include places of residence, farms and businesses.

He said of the 100 identified properties, 78 are documented in the form of title deeds while the remaining 22 are not. The cadres have also registered a list of potential shareholders to the Nitram Properties.

"We are still searching for the title deeds for these remaining buildings as mandated by our superiors," said Moyo.

He paid tribute to the ex-combatants and members for the cooperation.

Rtd Col Dube said a lot of work and effort was put in the process.

"As a man of his word and a man that walks the talk, President Mnangagwa promised that we will be given these properties," said Rtd Col Dube.

He said VP Mohadi gave them instructions to follow in compiling the database as well as presenting it to the Presidium.

The former freedom fighters at independence in 1980 contributed $50 each to buy farms, buildings and other properties.

Source - The Chronicle