Mliswa warns public against purchasing stands from Brobondo

Below are tweets from Mliswa's X (formerly Tweeter) account:
"WARNING! Land Baron Alert! As a Director&Shareholder of Muungwe Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Reg No. 17986/2007, I hereby warn the general public against purchasing these stands in Rusape from an entity called Brobondo (Pvt) Ltd, Muungwe, any estate agent or their proxies."
1/WARNING! Land Baron Alert! As a Director&Shareholder of Muungwe Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Reg No. 17986/2007, I hereby warn the general public against purchasing these stands in Rusape from an entity called Brobondo (Pvt) Ltd @brobondoC, Muungwe, any estate agent or their proxies
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024
"There is no Shareholder or Board resolution authorising the Rusape development or the engagement of Brobondo as Developers. The alleged transaction is fraudulent and I have since instituted legal proceedings against Brobondo and those working in cahoots with it under HCHC 42/24."
2/There is no Shareholder or Board resolution authorising the Rusape development or the engagement of Brobondo as Developers. The alleged transaction is fraudulent and I have since instituted legal proceedings against Brobondo and those working in cahoots with it under HCHC 42/24
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024
"In a move which smacks of fraud, a development permit was obtained from the Ministry of Local Govt wherein a Form CR6, purportedly filed by JSM Consulting (Eastlea) indicating my resignation as Director from Muungwe was submitted. This is false,I have never resigned."
3/In a move which smacks of fraud, a development permit was obtained from the Ministry of Local Govt @MoLGPWZim wherein a Form CR6, purportedly filed by JSM Consulting (Eastlea) indicating my resignation as Director from Muungwe was submitted. This is false,I have never resigned
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024
"Neither has a lawful AGM or EGM been held or called for to capture such alleged resignation. In fact, the whole debacle suspiciously points to criminal conduct and I have subsequently written to ZACC to institute an investigation."
4/ Neither has a lawful AGM or EGM been held or called for to capture such alleged resignation. In fact, the whole debacle suspiciously points to criminal conduct and I have subsequently written to ZACC @ZACConline to institute an investigation
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024
"Whilst my uncle, Cde Didymus Mutasa is the major shareholder of the property, it would appear that he has been duped by land barons who I am pursuing to ensure that each and every one of their evil schemes is exposed."
5/ Whilst my uncle, Cde Didymus Mutasa is the major shareholder of the property, it would appear that he has been duped by land barons who I am pursuing to ensure that each and every one of their evil schemes is exposed.
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024
"Public, please stand guided against buying these stands until either the lawsuit is concluded or the development and sale of stands is regularised, as you may end up losing your hard earned money. I will be issuing a press statement in this regard. Forewarned is forearmed."
6/ Public, please stand guided against buying these stands until either the lawsuit is concluded or the development and sale of stands is regularised, as you may end up losing your hard earned money. I will be issuing a press statement in this regard. Forewarned is forearmed.
— Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa (@TembaMliswa) February 18, 2024