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ZAPU accuses Zanu-PF of orchestrating CCC destruction

by Staff reporter
20 Feb 2024 at 00:01hrs | Views
According to ZAPU leader Sibangilizwe Nkomo, the ruling Zanu-PF has systematically worked to undermine opposition political parties in Zimbabwe since Independence.

Nkomo, the son of the late revolutionary and Vice President Joshua Nkomo, asserts that Zanu-PF's influence is evident in the current disarray within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), resulting from internal conflicts.

"Zanu-PF has a history of dismantling rival parties, starting with Zapu. There is ample evidence to suggest their involvement in the turmoil within the CCC and other political groups," stated Nkomo.

He highlighted the pattern of employing individuals with questionable motives to destabilize opposition forces, suggesting that some individuals may be operating on behalf of Zanu-PF's interests.

CCC founder Nelson Chamisa, upon leaving the party, accused Zanu-PF of infiltrating the opposition organization. Chamisa specifically pointed fingers at Sengezo Tshabangu, the self-appointed CCC secretary general, alleging collaboration with Zanu-PF to initiate recalls of opposition officials.

This tactic of infiltration and manipulation is not new, as evidenced by Zanu-PF's alleged role in undermining the once vibrant opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 2019.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Nkomo, #Zapu, #Zanu-PF, #CCC