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Kuvimba mining house dumps hundreds of workers

by Staff Reporter
20 Feb 2024 at 06:21hrs | Views
Shamva Mine, owned by mining conglomerate Kuvimba mining house has laid off hundreds of workers in recent months, according to a union official.

The termination of contracts for 200 workers comes as a shock as the gold mine was touted as an emerging top gold producer.  

Workers who spoke on condition of anonymity said the mine closed down its underground Top Section site in November 2023, resulting in the loss of jobs for the workers. It has also embarked on early retirement of some permanent workers.

The workers said the is company is pursuing an open cast mining project, which has begun operating but viability of this project is unclear.

'The operations at the mine are murky as the viability of the open cast mining project is questionable,' a worker said.

Located about 80 kilometres' northeast of Harare Shamva mine has been in operation since 1903 and is one of the oldest gold mines in Zimbabwe. In July 2023, the Shamva mine was reported to be one of the highest gold producers in Zimbabwe. However, it is not clear why the company has since laid off so many workers.

The job losses at the Shamva Mine are a blow to the local economy. The mine is a major employer in the Shamva district and many people rely on it for their livelihoods.
The mine is also embroiled in court cases following retrenchment of workers in 2018 when Kuvimba acquired the mine.

'Of course, there was a retrenchment carried out in 2018. But it is being challenged in court. The workers are being represented by the union in courts' Kuvimba Mining House which is majority owned by government came into the fray through Business Rescue Proceedings at the instance a now set aside High Court Order.

Contacted for comment  Kuvimba mining House Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Simba  Chinyemba professed ignorance when contacted by since he did not respond to questions sent and did not pick his calls after.

Source - Byo24News