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Ramaphosa announces South Africa election date

by Mandla Ndlovu
20 Feb 2024 at 16:17hrs | Views
In a press statement released today, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomed the announcement of the long-awaited date for the National and Provincial Elections in South Africa, scheduled for the 29th of May 2024. The party, known for its fierce advocacy for economic and social justice, sees this electoral event as a crucial opportunity to reshape the nation's destiny.

The EFF wasted no time in framing the upcoming elections as a pivotal moment for South Africa to break free from what they described as "30 years of incompetent, corrupt, and misguided governance" under the ruling party, the ANC. The party claims that the ANC's tenure has been marked by poverty, landlessness, unemployment, economic despair, and, notably, the persistent issue of load-shedding that has plagued the country.

According to the EFF, more than 11 million people are currently unemployed, and the majority of the land and the heights of the economy remain in the hands of what they term as "colonisers and their arrogant and racist descendants." The press statement emphasizes the collapse of crucial infrastructures such as railways, ports, and the ability to generate a reliable electricity supply, leaving the nation burdened with trillions of debt to the West.

Underlining the gravity of the situation, the EFF points to the surge in crime, escalating violence against women and children, and the pervasive corruption that has been rewarded with positions in cabinet and even the presidency. The press release from the EFF serves as a scathing critique of the current government's failures and an urgent call to action for the South African people.

The rallying cry for the EFF's campaign is encapsulated in the slogans "OUR LAND AND JOBS NOW! STOP LOAD-SHEDDING!" The party sees the 29th of May 2024 as an opportunity for South Africa to achieve true independence and liberation, centering their vision on the removal of those who have allegedly used political power for personal enrichment.

The EFF encourages citizens to engage with their People's Manifesto, which promises practical and believable solutions to address the socio-economic challenges facing the nation. The press statement concludes with a call for an intensified ground campaign, urging all South Africans to participate in door-to-door activities in the run-up to the elections.

As the political landscape heats up, the EFF's bold and confrontational approach sets the stage for a highly charged and closely watched electoral battle on May 29, 2024. South Africans will be closely monitoring how the political narrative unfolds, with the EFF positioning itself as a key player in the pursuit of what they term "Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime."

Source - Byo24News