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EXPOSED: Al Jazeera secret plot against ZANU PF unearthed

by George Tshuma
23 Feb 2024 at 12:26hrs | Views
Al Jazeera News finds itself embroiled in controversy yet again as reports surface regarding its meddling in Zimbabwean political affairs.
A source close to the matter revealed that the news network was planning to produce a documentary that purportedly sheds shedding light on the alleged infiltration of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party by the ruling ZANU PF post-the 2023 elections, as well as the alleged capture of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the Judiciary.

According to the source, Al Jazeera News has allocated a substantial budget for this project with the apparent aim of discrediting the ZANU PF Government and other Government officials.

The source disclosed that Al Jazeera News has partnered with Media Centre Director Ernest Mudzengi, tasking him with arranging interviews for participants,as well as engaging  and  freelance journalists.

"Every participant willing to discuss the alleged infiltration of CCC by ZANU PF or the capture of ZEC and the Judiciary will receive US$1000 facilitated by Mudzengi," the source revealed.

Furthermore, it was alleged that Mudzengi has been entrusted with funds by Al Jazeera News to incentivize some ZEC and Judiciary officials to participate in the documentary, either openly or discreetly.

The same source added that the clandestine nature of this operation appears to extend to the selection of interviewees, with reports suggesting that secret recordings and interviews have already been conducted with prominent figures, such as Job Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole, and Jacob Ngarivhume during their time in prison.

The source further suggested that Al Jazeera News' involvement in this project has been bolstered by the presence of Government critic and opposition activist, Hopewell Chin'ono, who recently joined Al Jazeera Southern Africa as a researcher and documentary producer.

Commenting on the matter, political commentator, Calvin Chitsunge, remarked, "It appears Al Jazeera News has taken on a prominent role within the media landscape to discredit ZANU PF and the Government, following its production of the Gold Mafia documentary last year."

Chitsunge added that despite these developments, scepticism remains about the potential impact of the documentary within Zimbabwe.

Chitsunge expressed doubt, suggesting that even if produced and broadcast, the documentary may be largely ignored by the populace, similar to the fate of the Gold Mafia documentary.

Efforts to obtain a comment from Mudzengi proved futile, as repeated attempts to reach him via mobile phone were unsuccessful.
Despite numerous calls placed to his known numbers, they remained unanswered, leaving inquiries regarding his involvement in the alleged collaboration with Al Jazeera News unanswered.

Source - Byo24News