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Man gruesomely murders uncle over witchcraft accusations

by Simbarashe Sithole
24 Feb 2024 at 13:08hrs | Views
In a sad incident, a 36-year-old Mutoko man was dragged to court after he fatally assaulted his uncle over witchcraft allegations.

Sigareta Nyamadzi was not asked to plead to a murder charge before Mutoko magistrate Chiedza Gatsi.

Gatsi remanded Nyamadzi in custody to March 8 and advised him to apply for bail at the High Court.

The state led by Nathan Majuru alleged on February 22 at Nyamadzi village, chief Chimoyo in Mutoko the suspect approached the now deceased Peter Nyamadzi and accused hm of being a wizard.

The angry suspect picked a stone and struck Peter on the head.

Peter fell down and the suspect picked a hoe and struck him twice on the head.

He further took a machete and struck him twice again there by killing him on the spot.

A police report was filed leading to the arrest of the suspect

Source - Byo24News