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Father jailed for inserting finger in daughter's private parts

by Simbarashe Sithole
24 Feb 2024 at 13:10hrs | Views
A 36-year-old Makoni village man in Muzarabani was sentenced to 20 years behind bars after he tested her 13-year-old daughter's virginity using his fingers.

The father who cannot be named for ethical reasons was jailed by Bindura regional magistrate Amos Mbobo.

Prosecutors told the court that on November 8, last year at around 6 pm the complainant was at her aunt's homestead together with her grandmother.  It started raining and they failed to go back home.

The father followed them and took the complainant home while assaulting her all the way home.

When they arrived home the father locked the door from inside and asked her if she had sexual intercourse with anyone. She denied having sexual intercourse with anyone.

The father then took a condom and wore it in his hand before ordering the complainant to lie on the bed.

He inserted his pointing finger into the complainant's vagina without her consent He then told the complainant not to disclose the matter to anyone.

He started assaulting her with a mop stick several times all over the body the whole night, accusing her of having sexual intercourse with someone.

The complainant opened up to her grandmother and the matter was reported at ZRP Muzarabani. She was referred to St Albert's Hospital for a medical examination and the medical report indicated that the complainant had bruises all over her body, a swollen face, and a headache.

Source - Byo24News