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Charamba bashes wife for refusing him second wife

by Simbarashe Sithole
27 Feb 2024 at 21:25hrs | Views
Failure to accept a second wife by Tinashe David Charamba's wife landed him in cuffs after he assaulted her several times with open hands.

The matter came to light at Mutoko magistrates courts yesterday.

Charamba pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to eight months in jail by Magistrate Chiedza Gatsi.

Gatsi conditionally suspended the sentence to 280 hours of community service.

On February 20 the 38-year-old Charamba arrived home and saw his wife Nancy Mashongera(41) and told her that he was taking Sarah Tore as his second wife.

After saying his intentions he ordered Mashongera to accompany him to collect Tore's clothes and on their way they had a heated argument.

Charamba severely assaulted his wife who managed to escape and filed a police report.

Source - Byo24News