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Ibhetshu LikaZulu commemorates the burning to death of 6 villagers during Gukurahundi

by Staff reporter
29 Feb 2024 at 02:20hrs | Views
Militant Matebeleland pressure group Ibhetshu LikaZulu co-ordinated by civic activist Mbuso Fuzwayo today commemorated the burning to death of six villagers in Salankoko area,Tsholotsho, Matebeleland North, at the height of Gukurahundi genocide.

The incident is characteristic of many such gruesome activities which accompanied the murder of thousands by government between 1982-87.

Chief Siphoso Dlodlo, the resident chief, has previously explained that this atrocity was committed on 16 March 1983.

Ibhetshu said: "Today we commemorate and remember six villagers who were burnt to death in Salankomo. Six others escaped with gruesome injuries. At least 55 villagers mostly women (some pregnant), children and a few men were burnt to death in three weeks during a belt of pain in adjoining villages during."

Source - newshawks