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Ex-ZBC CEO says she was ousted after Muswere made advances towards her

by Staff reporter
04 Mar 2024 at 13:35hrs | Views
FORMER Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) Adelaide Chikunguru has broken her silence over her resignation from the public broadcaster making allegations of "advances" by Minister of Information Jenfan Muswere towards her.

According to Chikunguru, Muswere, then ICT minister in 2021, made inappropriate advances which she turned down.

She maintains that this incident was the actual reason behind her removal as ZBC CEO.

"On September 27, 2021, at Chimanimani World Radio Day when Minister Muswere was minister of ICT, he made advances to me via WhatsApp which I have. I turned him down. He continued to pester me until he stopped as I was not interested in him," said Chikunguru.

Chikunguru was suspended last week before resigning a few days later under a cloud.

Reports of misappropriation of funds and her proximity to former minister of information, Monica Mutsvangwa later emerged as among the reasons that Chikunguru was suspended by the ZBC board, allegations she denies.

"I have not misappropriated any funds, if I had, would the Finance Director be made Acting CEO? All trips I undertook were approved by my Board Chairman. ZBC does not have a contract or agreement with Nevile Mutsvangwa's Starlink and has never done business with him or any of his associates.

"Jive TV is available on terrestrial TV and AZAM. The Mutsvangwas do not own AZAM neither are they directors of AZAM. ZBC was also in talks with DSTV to have Jive on the DSTV bouquet, documents are available. I did not purchase any awards however I have received many awards during my time as recognition of the work we were doing.

"We did pay for employees to attend dinners and at times ZBC did sponsor l congratulations adverts or profile adverts of the ZBC in support of the organisation or employees who would be winning the awards. This is common practice," said Chikunguru further.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #ZBC, #CEO, #Muswere