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Murambinda-Birchenough Road in major facelift

by Staff reporter
13 Mar 2024 at 01:10hrs | Views
THE 120km Murambinda-Birchenough Bridge Road is set for a major facelift ahead of this year's edition of the Independence Day main celebrations to be held in Buhera district, Manicaland Province.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to attend the celebrations.

There have been concerns over the poor road network that connects the growth point to the Murambinda-Birchenough Bridge Road being singled out forcing bus operators to abandon the route.

Buhera Rural District Council chairperson Thomas Matsenhura confirmed the rehabilitation of the road.

"We are happy that all councils in the province are helping us to rehabilitate roads in our district ahead of the Independence Day celebrations next month," said Matsenhura.

"We were concerned with the Murambinda-Birchenough Road, which is in bad condition, but we have since received resources in the form of road maintenance equipment such as graders and the rehabilitation has begun."

Zanu-PF Buhera South legislator Ngonidzashe Mudekunye yesterday told NewsDay that they have started preparations to host Mnangagwa.

The Independence Day torch will pass through the Butcher area in Rusape where scores of Zimbabweans were tortured and killed during the liberation struggle, proceed to Dzapasi Assembly Point and finally Murambinda B Secondary School, the venue of the celebrations.

Source - newsday
More on: #Road, #Facelift, #Major