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Conductor assaults passenger over bus fare

by Staff reporter
13 Mar 2024 at 11:05hrs | Views
A conductor has been arraigned before the courts today, for allegedly assaulting a passenger over a US$0.50 bus fare.

Tafadzwa Zivavo appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi charged with assault. He pleaded guilty and was remanded in custody to tomorrow to allow the State to check if he has previous convictions.

Prosecutor Mr Thomas Chanakira alleged that on March 11, at around 17:40 pm, the complainant Anesu Mapondera (34) boarded a commuter omnibus from Epworth to Harare CBD occupying the front seat and Zivavo who was the conductor sat behind her.

Along the way, Mapondera paid 50 cents fee but when she was about to disembark from the motor vehicle at the corner of Bank Avenue and Rezende street in the CBD, Zivavo then demanded a fee from her.

The court heard Mapondera tried to tell him that she had already paid but a misunderstanding arose between the two. Zivavo turned violent, grabbed her head and twisted it to face him. He then head-butted her once on the left eye and pushed her away.

Mapondera then proceeded to ZRP Harare Central and filed a police report. She sustained a swollen left eye and was medically examined.

Source - The Herald