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Man arrested for labelling Mnangagwa a 'Scud'

by Staff reporter
19 Mar 2024 at 08:56hrs | Views
GOKWE resident, Mark Mandiki has landed himself in trouble after he allegedly labelled President Emmerson Mnangagwa a "Scud".

Mandiki, who appeared in court last week charged with undermining and insulting the Office of the President, allegedly made the remarks on February 25, 2023, during a heated verbal exchange with a Zanu-PF member, Doubt Tonhorayi.

"Your President Mnangagwa looks like an ancient opaque beer container known as Scud, which is why it was named ED because it is as rotten as him," reads part of the charge sheet.

On Wednesday, the State closed its case after three witnesses had testified in the matter.

Mandiki, who is expected to submit his defence on April 3, claims Tonhorayi is framing him to settle political scores.

 He claims Tonhorayi was once an opposition activist before switching to Zanu-PF, hence there is bad blood between them.

Mandiki is being represented by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

Source - newsday