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Manicaland hunger shocks Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
20 Mar 2024 at 02:34hrs | Views
BUHERA North MP Philip Guyo (Zanu-PF) has raised hunger concerns in the district owing to the El Niño-induced drought.

Buhera district is one of the most affected districts in Manicaland province, Guyo said.

He made the remarks at Murambinda growth point on Saturday during his address at a national prayer day in preparation for the 44th Independence Day celebrations to be hosted in the district next month

"I want to thank the churches for praying for the Independence Day celebrations and we should continue to do so, but I want to say that Buhera district is the second most affected district in terms of hunger and we are pleading with you to help," he added.

Zanu-PF Manicaland chairperson Tawanda Mukodza echoed similar sentiments.

"We want to let you know our national chairperson (Oppah Muchinguri) that we have hunger concerns in Manicaland province. Please go and brief our President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the matter," he added.

Muchinguri was the guest of honour.

An estimated 2,7 million people, including urbanites, are believed to be food insecure during the 2023/24 lean period, but unverified figure is set to rapidly shoot up as effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon on the 2024 harvest start being felt around April when farmers start declaring their returns from the field.

Last week, opposition Nkayi South legislator Jabulani Hadebe called on the government to declare the 2023/24 farming season a complete write-off to pave way for international support to feed hungry masses.

Government has said the country is food sufficient, but indications on the ground prove otherwise with reports indicating that villagers are now forced to skip meals as food reserves deplete.

Source - newsday