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Ramaphosa goes after Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula?

by Staff reporter
21 Mar 2024 at 19:38hrs | Views
Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula is expected to hand herself over to the police in Pretoria on Friday as factionalism within the African National Congress reaches fever pitch.

The Mail and Guardian published an article claiming she's expected to hand herself over to police in Pretoria on Friday and the headline says it's in connection with more than R4 million linked to corruption and money laundering.

On Tuesday, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) raided her Johannesburg home amid allegations she accepted R2 million from a contractor during her tenure as defence minister.

Parliament has referred questions on the matter to the NPA but it has indicated the Speaker is leading a parliamentary delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, from Saturday.

Mapisa-Nqakula has maintained her innocence and distanced herself from partaking in any wrongdoing, saying that she has nothing to hide.

Earlier this month, there were widespread reports that she was being investigated in connection with allegations that she was paid millions in cash bribes by a defence force contractor during her tenure as defence minister.

Reports also revealed that a high-level investigation had been instituted into the accusations that Mapisa-Nqakula solicited and was paid up to R2.3 million in cash.

Furthermore, it was revealed that she allegedly received gift bags by a defence industry businesswoman named Nombasa Ntsondwa-Ndhlovu, who was a wife of a general in the military health service.

Source - online