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Suspected thief bashed to death

by Simbarashe Sithole
31 Mar 2024 at 11:12hrs | Views
A suspected Bindura thief was bashed to death by his colleague with a railway line over money dispute.

The now-deceased Livinson Nyaunga died days later at Parirenyatwa after being assaulted by his friend Admire Sauti.

According to police on 12 March 2024, at around 1000 hours,  Sauti and L Nyayaunga where at Besa Business Centre, Chief Masembura, Bindura were they spent the day together.

At around 21pm they proceeded to their respective homesteads, Sauti was passing through Nyauyanga's homestead.
Upon arrival at Nyauyanga's homestead, he discovered that his wallet was empty and accused  Nyauyanga of stealing his money.

He stormed the deceased's homestead,  picked a piece of a railway line which was on the ground and assaulted Nyauyanga several times all over the body.

Nyauyanga became unconscious and sustained head injuries. 
Sauti went to his homestead leaving Nyauyanga lying unconscious.

On 13 March 2024 at around 0500 hours, the deceased's neighbour saw him lying unconscious in his homestead yard.

At around 9am Nyauyanga was ferried to Parirenyatwa Hospital where he was admitted.
Nyauyanga later died last Tuesday.

Source - Byo24News