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Mliswa elected chairperson of Sadc anti-corruption organ

by Staff reporter
06 Apr 2024 at 03:11hrs | Views
Former Zanu PF Mashonaland West chairperson and former Norton legislator, Temba Mliswa, has been elected as the inaugural Chairperson of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Chapter of the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC).

The election took place in Lusaka, Zambia, during an APNAC conference on Thursday.

Mliswa confirmed this development on social media, expressing gratitude to his ancestors for this historic achievement.

"I have been elected as the new and first Chairperson for the APNAC SADC Chapter for the next four years. This marks a significant moment in history, being the inception of the APNAC Chapter with me as its pioneer leader. I am deeply honored by this recognition of my dedication and efforts.

"I extend my heartfelt thanks to all those who have faith in my leadership abilities. I am grateful to my ancestors and the Almighty for this elevation.

"This validates that my contributions at the local political level have made an impact. It's sometimes only when others acknowledge our efforts that we realize their magnitude," Mliswa remarked.

Now serving as a village headman, Mliswa paid tribute to the Parliament of Zimbabwe and Speaker Jacob Mudenda for their guidance and support in nurturing MPs like himself.

"I express my sincere appreciation to the Zimbabwean Parliament under Advocate Mudenda's leadership. It's encouraging to witness African legislators uniting against corruption in all its forms.

"Corruption is a pervasive challenge that demands unwavering resistance," Mliswa emphasized, calling for the establishment of anti-corruption units in all government offices, with regular rotations to prevent corruption within these units.

The conference aimed to elect the SADC APNAC Executive Committee in accordance with previous meeting resolutions.

In his role as the new Chairperson of APNAC SADC Chapter, Mliswa stressed the importance of members' commitment to combating corruption at both national and regional levels.

He encouraged former Zimbabwean parliamentarians to join APNAC in this noble endeavor.

Among the attendees at the conference were Zambian National Assembly Deputy Speaker Hon. Chisangano, APNAC President and Benin National Assembly Speaker HE Louis Vlavonou, and Mliswa, who serves as an APNAC Board member and Chairperson for Mobilization and Monitoring and Evaluation Committee.

The Zimbabwean delegation included Chief Chikwaka, the Chairperson; Hon. Mushoriwa, the Secretary-General; Angelina Gutu, a Researcher; and Admore Nyamuramba, an APNAC Committee clerk.

Source - newzimbabwe