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Zanu-PF councillor under fire

by Staff reporter
07 Apr 2024 at 16:03hrs | Views
A Zanu-PF councillor has been accused of illegally parcelling out land in Matebeleland North's Bubi district to desperate land seekers from as far as Midlands.

Villagers from ward 14 also accused area councillor Cookie Moyo of settling the land seekers on their grazing lands.

A meeting was held last weekend at Nkenyane dip tank where the villagers voiced their anger against Moyo.

"We have seen the office of the local councillor involved in the illegal pegging of stands to the beneficiaries," one villager, who attended the meeting said.

"We understand that the beneficiaries are paying bribes of up to US$500 to the councillor to get the land. Our livestock no longer have grazing lands as a result."

The villagers appealed to the Lands and Agriculture ministry to intervene to stop Moyo in her tracks.

Moyo dismised the allegations when she was contacted for a comment.

"As far as i am concerned there is nothing like that in my ward," she said.

Source - Southern Eye