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Armed robbers on the prowl

by Staff reporter
09 Apr 2024 at 01:20hrs | Views
POLICE have launched a manhunt for two suspected armed robbers believed to be part of a gang that has unleashed a reign of terror in Bulawayo by raiding homes and businesses in the city centre.

The suspects are believed to have first robbed two Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS) officers at Khami Prisons on the outskirts of Bulawayo, of an AK 47 rifle and a pistol last month.

They are now using the firearms to commit a series of armed robberies in the city.

In a statement yesterday, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the Khami Medium Prison correctional officers were ambushed by the two suspects on March 21 at around 6pm.

The complainants were manning one of the guard points at Khami Prison. One of the officers was armed with an AK 47 assault rifle serial number 9222 loaded with 10 rounds.

"On 21 March at around 2AM, the complainants were inside the guard room when they were approached by two unknown suspects armed with a pistol and an electric shocker," said Asst Comm Nyathi.

He said one of the suspects pointed a gun at the guards before the other tried to grab the firearm.

Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services

"The suspects overpowered him and took away the AK 47 rifle loaded with a magazine of ten rounds. The other suspect who was armed with a stun gun shocked another correctional officer, who then bolted out through the guardroom window and fled into the darkness," said Asst Comm Nyathi.

The two robbers ordered their victims to lie face down before fleeing with the firearm.

The prison guards informed their superiors before a report was to the police who managed to recover a stun gun.

For the past two weeks, the suspects have been raiding homes and businesses in Bulawayo in broad daylight.

"Police are conducting investigations and assure citizens of their safety. The police are hot on their trail and they are known suspects. We are also urging the public to assist us with investigations so that these criminals are brought to book," said Asst Comm Nyathi.

He said after the Khami incident, the suspects went on to hijack a vehicle after robbing the driver of US$43 and R200.

"Thereafter they went on to rob a local grocery store FMG grocery shop where they made off with US$700. A few days later, they hijacked another vehicle in Richmond suburb, which they used to commit a series of robberies in Nkulumane and other suburbs in the city," said Asst Comm Nyathi.

They reportedly stole US$4 000 from money changers. On Saturday, the pair ambushed a woman in Hillcrest suburb and robbed her of R4 000.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Armed, #Robbers, #Prowl