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Man breaks into Headmasters offices, blames evil spirit

by Simbarashe Sithole
09 Apr 2024 at 11:33hrs | Views
When a person is in deep trouble he or she will blame the evil spirit in a bid to get a lighter sentence, Menzi Ngwenya is one such person.

The 24-year-old man blamed the evil spirit after he broke into Bambadzi Secondary School head and deputy heads to steal.

He was dragged to Plumtree magistrates courts yesterday where he was sentenced to an effective two year jail term by magistrate Joshua Nembaware

Prosecutor Selestine Madziwa told the court that on April 6 the school head Sipho Siziba (39) finished his business at the school and locked all doors and windows.

On the same day Ngwenya stormed the same office and stole a cell phone and laptop.

He also broke into the deputy head's office and stole a laptop and a cell phone.

A police report was filed leading to the arrest of Ngwenya.

Source - Byo24News