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EXPOSED: Local media house implicated in name dropping scandal

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Apr 2024 at 11:44hrs | Views
A leading local newspaper is reportedly on the brink of publishing a contentious article that falsely claims that a suspect con artist, known as Maburuse, who claims to be an associate President Emmerson Mnangagwa, is exerting pressure on court officials in Chiredzi for the release of Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco) official Innocent Gukwe from remand prison.

According to a source, the impending story is a deliberate attempt to tarnish the image of President Mnangagwa by portraying him as meddling in judicial proceedings.
"Our newspaper is planning to publish an article that incorrectly depicts the President as interfering with the judiciary to favour certain individuals. This is a blatant misrepresentation intended to damage the President's reputation," the source explained.

The source further noted that Gukwe, whom Maburuse allegedly wants to be released, was arrested on charges of fraud.

"Gukwe's arrest was due to legitimate allegations of fraud, and any insinuations of undue influence for his release are completely unfounded," the source added.

Political commentator Edith Mushore weighed in on the situation, suggesting that the article might be a calculated move to embarrass President Mnangagwa.

"This appears to be a strategic attempt to paint the President as someone who interferes with the judiciary system to protect rogue elements. However, it's critical to remember that President Mnangagwa has repeatedly stated that there are no sacred cows and that all criminals should be prosecuted without fear or favour," Mushore stated.

Mushore further questioned the motivation behind the decision to run such a story without substantial evidence.
"It's essential for the media to uphold the highest standards of journalism. Publishing unverified stories not only misleads the public but also undermines the credibility of the press," Mushore cautioned.

Source - Byo24News