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Tensions rise at Ministry of Environment and Climate over alleged power struggle in Zimbabwe's carbon credits market

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Apr 2024 at 12:08hrs | Views
In a stunning development at the Ministry of Environment and Climate in Zimbabwe, daggers are being drawn over the lucrative carbon credits market, with billions at stake over the vast forests in the country. The Permanent Secretary, Prosper B Matondi, has reportedly ignited a controversy by pushing to bring in his own company into the scene, which is believed to have back-end agreements with entities under his control through proxies. This move has sparked a fierce battle with another player, known as Blue Carbon, which has established a strong investment case in the market.

The tension at the Ministry escalated when it was revealed that Matondi, who already has a tainted history of being against the government, is allegedly unhappy with Blue Carbon's approach to the First Family to present their business and investment case. This move reportedly bypassed the Permanent Secretary, leading to further animosity within the Ministry.

The carbon credits market in Zimbabwe has been a point of contention among various stakeholders, with the potential for significant financial gains driving competition and power struggles. The Ministry of Environment and Climate, meant to oversee and regulate this market, is now embroiled in a heated battle that threatens to affect the integrity and transparency of the sector.

As the saga unfolds, concerns are rising over the potential manipulation and abuse of power within the Ministry, with allegations of favoritism and underhand dealings clouding the once-promising carbon credits market. The future of this vital sector hangs in the balance as the power struggle at the Ministry of Environment and Climate continues to unfold.

Source - Byo24News