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Return Home affairs ministry to Zapu officials: Ex Zipra cadre

by Stephen Jakes
16 Apr 2024 at 10:10hrs | Views
THE SECOND  Republic of President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been challenged to return the Home Affairs ministry to Zapu in honour of the unity accord that was signed by late former Vice President Joshua Nkomo and late former President Robert Mugabe in 1987.

At the inception of the unity accord the tradition that prevailed until the end of Mugabe's reign was that the second Vice President, home affairs ministry,  and Zanu PF chairmanship were held by former Zapu members.

However, since the ouster of Mugabe, Mnangagwa's administration has quashed the agreement as the Zanu PF chairman ship and the home affairs ministry are now being led by Zanu PF side officials, a development that has destroyed the unity accord elements.

Only the second vice president position is currently held by Kembo Mohadi, a former Zapu member.

Outspoken Zipra cadre Max Mkandla said as the nation celebrates the indep-dnence day that was attained in 1980 after a protracted liberation struggle, the Mnangagwa government must not forget to revert to the agreement that the two liberation movements namely Zapu and Zanu signed in 1987 by re ap[pointing members of Zapu to the strategic p[olitical positions.

For the unit accord, the second republic must revert to what was agreed, that the home affairs be given back to the Zapu members.  It is sad that our police are now having no resources because the current minister Kazembe Kazembe is not visiting provinces to meet the police officers. He only relies on commanders butthe juniors are suffering, they have no uniforms, no baton sticks, they lack many resources," he said.

"There is a crisis within our police service. So the minister responsible must be seen representing the police and this must start from the government following the 1987 unity accord."

Mkandla hailed all the Zimbabweans who are alive, mostly the war veterans who survived several wars such as the liberation struggle, Gukurahundi, wars in Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique among others.

He congratulated them for escaping death during these hard times as the country attained 44 years of independence from colonial rule.

The country celebrates independence on 18 April and this year it's on Thursday.

Source - Byo24News