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Opposition should unite to dismantle Zanu-PF: Komichi

by Gideon Madzikatidze/Simbarashe Sithole
17 May 2024 at 06:28hrs | Views
Veteran opposition politician and anti-Zanu PF hardcore, Senator Morgan Komichi has claimed that there is need for opposition movements must to unite and fight Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangwagwa's administration head-on in order to save the country from socio-pilitical and economic turmoil that Zimbabwe has been constantly facing.

Speaking during an interview with this publication, Komichi appealed for the opposition members unite, claiming that "All MDC splinters must unite to reconstruct the Mass Democratic Struggle once more,"

Komichi advised the opposition forces to stop hatred among themselves for the efforts to be perceived as people-centred and genuine.

"I call for National Dialogue to resolve the socio-economic and political crisis in Zimbabwe. I urge Zimbabweans to unite for peace and shared vision," Komichi said.

"I call for Unity of the opposition political parties to form a strong and formidable opposition movement," Senator Morgan Komichi added.

During political temperatures peak, Komichi was the only Senator who voted against number 2 Amendment Bill that extended the term of Chief Justice Malaba and also voted against the PVO bill.

When quizzed about his alleged marriage with Zanu-PF, Komichi distanced self from the revolutionary party claiming the relationship is that of parallel lines which neither meet nor know each other.

"Komichi never dined with Zanupf at the government events such as Independence or Heroes Day celebrations. Komichi never went to the State House to drink tea with Zanu PF," he said.

Komichi openy refused to be sucked into alleged Zanu-PF shenanigans and remained true to the opposition spirit and actions.

To Komichi, remaining a true democrat and constitutionalist has become his political mantra.

"My allegiance to true opposition is second to none and meanwhile, I call upon fellow comrades in the fight against regime to organise our own national events, parallel to those presided over by Zanu PF which are characterised by sloganeering and bootlicking," Komichi said.

"Let us have our parallel heroes and independence day celebrations, let's redefine the criteria to declare national heroe and heroine statuses for our national and sacred institutions' integrity," Komichi fumed.

Komichi who was arrested and tortured to near death in 2007 and spent six months in Harare Central Prison challenged Mugabe in 2013 after claimed that he rigged elections by throwing away Tsvangirayi ballot papers in the bins at Rainbow Towers Hotel

He was arrested and spent 100 days at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison after being found guilty and served a sentence of community service.

In 2018, Komichi challenged Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangwagwa presidential results by publicly calling the results were fake and failing to fulfil litmus test for democracy. He was also found guilty and paid a fine of us$200.

Source - Byo24News