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Zanu-PF youth league member in bribery storm

by Staff reporter
20 May 2024 at 02:47hrs | Views
Danmore Mambondiani, a member of the ZANU-PF national youth league, has been suspended for attempting to bribe two ministers to secure a top position within the ruling party.

Prior to his suspension, Mambondiani served as the national youth secretary for administration and was aspiring to become the secretary for local government.

He allegedly attempted to bribe Tinotenda Machakaire, the secretary for youth affairs and Youth Empowerment Minister, and his deputy, John Paradza, who is the Deputy Minister of Environment. The incident occurred during a national youth executive meeting on May 9 in Harare.

NewsDay has obtained a suspension letter addressed to Mambondiani.

The letter states, "Please note that on Thursday, May 9, 2024, during the national executive council of the youth league, you exhibited conduct unbecoming of a national member."

"However, contrary to expectations, you, Comrade Mambondiani, brought a bag supposedly full of money, approached Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs John Paradza and Secretary for Youth Affairs Tinotenda Machakaire, opened the bag in full view of the media and the national executive, and gave John Paradza US$200 and Machakaire US$100."

"This conduct, witnessed by the media, implies that party positions can be acquired through vote-buying, disregarding constitutional provisions," the letter continued.

It concluded, "Given these charges, you are hereby prohibited from acting on behalf of or as the deputy secretary for administration of the national youth league executive council."

Neither Mambondiani, Machakaire, nor Paradza were available for comment yesterday.

Source - newsday