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Chris Hani would be MK Party member, says daughter

by Staff reporter
20 May 2024 at 03:28hrs | Views
My father would have been part of this historic move and defining moment in the political landscape of our country, the eldest daughter of the late uMkhonto weSizwe chief of staff Chris Hani said on Sunday.

Cleopatra Hani, a staunch supporter of MK Party leader Jacob Zuma and an MKP member, said the policies of the party were a reflection of her father, adding that he dedicated his entire life to serving his people.

"If my father was still alive, we wouldn't have had a 'Khumalo situation'. He wouldn't be there at all. No one would have an opportunity to use their money to try divide MKP.

"UTata (my dad) would have made sure that the sun of the universe (Zuma) was protected at all times, as they both come way back and shared good memories together," Hani said.

She was thrilled she was following the path she believed her father would have walked had he been alive.

The reason Zuma was hated and victimised was because he was not a product of what she called "business"; he was for the emancipation of black people, hence he was enemy number one.

"You can see and tell how all these people are shaken by the idea of him becoming the head of state again. The reason is because they are aware that he's going to bring much-needed change in the lives of the people and also bring back their dignity.

"The nicest thing about him, is that he's involving religious leaders and traditional leaders in this. That is the sign of respect and also trying to restore their rightful position."

On land issue, Hani said it was now time that the people rightfully took back what belonged to them.

In order for the people to have what belonged to them, they should do away with cowardice.

"We must make sure that we have land because with land we can be able to feed ourselves and families. Without land we have nothing as people; white people have taken so much from us.

"Today, these scientists have even taken our traditional medicine and turned them into modern medicines, in so doing belittling our traditional doctors/healers, and that needs to change," Hani emphasised.

She concluded by reiterating that she was at the right place in the MK Party, as Zuma and her father were speaking the same language in terms of policies.

Chris Hani was the chief of staff of uMkhonto weSizwe, but stepped down in 1992 to devote more time to the organisation of the SA Communist Party.

After the unbanning of ANC and SACP on February 2 1990, he returned to South Africa and became a charismatic and popular speaker in townships. By 1990, he was known to be a close associate of Joe Slovo, general-secretary of the SACP.

Both Slovo and Chris Hani were considered fearful figures in the eyes of South Africa's extreme right, including the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB, Afrikaner Resistance Movement) and the Conservative Party (CP).

When Slovo announced that he had cancer in 1991, Chris Hani took over as general-secretary of the SACP.

Chris Hani was assassinated in April, 1993.

Source - The Star