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Mnangagwa shocks Zimbabwe's ICT ministry

by Staff reporter
27 May 2024 at 05:02hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa's announcement approving Starlink's licensing to provide internet services in Zimbabwe surprised the Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services (ICT) ministry and the telecoms regulator, who were unaware of the deal's approval.

Mnangagwa revealed in a statement last Saturday that he had granted SpaceX approval to launch its Starlink internet services in Zimbabwe in partnership with Wicknell Chivayo's IMC Communications. This partnership reflects the president's close relationship with the controversial dealer Chivayo, evident from their shared presidential chopper ride to Bikita for the ZCC Easter service and Chivayo's recent visit to Mnangagwa's Precabe Farm in Kwekwe.

Officials from the ICT ministry and the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) told NewsDay that they were still in the process of reviewing Starlink's application when the announcement was made.

ICT, Postal and Courier Services Minister Tatenda Mavetera informed The Sunday Mail that Potraz had yet to finalize the operational modalities for the internet company.

"We are soon going to announce the technical modalities together with Potraz. Already, there has been a pronouncement by the President, which will ensure that no one and no place is left behind," she said.

Potraz Director-General Gift Machengete also stated in the same publication that the regulator was still consulting on Starlink's licensing, highlighting a communication breakdown between his office and the presidency.

Source - Byo24News