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Zimbabwe set to roll out US$80m smart traffic system

by Staff reporter
30 May 2024 at 03:33hrs | Views
Zimbabwe is set to introduce a cutting-edge smart traffic management system, a multimillion-dollar initiative aimed at tackling various road-related issues such as enforcing traffic laws, curbing road accidents, alleviating congestion, and combating corruption.

According to Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr. Jenfan Muswere, Dubai-based company Vitronic Machine Vision Middle East will be the primary private investor in this public-private partnership, initially investing around US$80 million. The system's implementation promises to revolutionize law enforcement by cracking down on traffic violations, thereby enhancing road safety and reducing congestion, particularly in urban areas.

The adoption of this advanced technology is expected to minimize opportunities for corruption due to reduced human involvement. Furthermore, the system's integration with databases of stolen vehicles and wanted criminals will bolster revenue generation for the government, which can then be channeled into improving law enforcement and national security.

Dr. Muswere announced that the project will be piloted in Harare and Bulawayo before expanding to other cities and towns across the country. Vitronic Machine Vision Middle East, renowned for its expertise in smart traffic management systems, has successfully implemented similar projects in various countries including Morocco, Rwanda, the United Arab Emirates, and France.

During their visit from May 12 to 16, 2024, the company collaborated with local stakeholders to finalize implementation strategies. The investment will be recouped through fines imposed on traffic violators, with revenues shared between the company and the government.

The introduction of the smart traffic management system is expected to yield multiple benefits for Zimbabwe, including enhanced law enforcement, reduced road accidents and congestion, and decreased instances of corruption. This initiative aligns with the government's broader efforts to promote road safety, compliance with traffic regulations, and transparency within the transport sector.

Source - The Herald