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Mthwakazi protests 'Zanu-PF capture' of chiefs

by Staff reporter
30 May 2024 at 03:38hrs | Views
The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has issued a call to villagers to take responsibility for the salaries of traditional leaders in order to safeguard them from potential influence by certain elements within the government, allegedly aligned with ZANU-PF.

Speaking to party supporters at a gathering in Tsholotsho, MRP spokesperson Velile Moyo expressed concern over the politicization of traditional leadership structures, which he argued contravenes the Constitution.

Moyo emphasized the need for traditional leaders to be financially supported by the community rather than the government, asserting that this arrangement would ensure their accountability to local residents rather than to authorities in Harare.

He stressed that if traditional leaders are reliant on government salaries, they may be subject to undue influence and pressure to align with the ruling party, compromising their independence and impartiality.

According to Moyo, empowering communities to directly fund traditional leaders would give them greater autonomy to serve the interests of their constituents without external interference.

Referring to the constitutional mandate for traditional leaders to remain apolitical, Moyo highlighted the importance of adhering to this principle to uphold fairness and equality within their jurisdictions.

He cited constitutional provisions stipulating that traditional leaders must refrain from partisan politics and treat all individuals within their areas impartially and equitably, emphasizing the need for adherence to these principles to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all residents.

Source - newsday