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Neville Mutsvangwa's bail ruling now set for Friday

by Staff reporter
30 May 2024 at 03:56hrs | Views
Neville Mutsvangwa, the son of prominent Zanu-PF figures Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa, will await his verdict on Friday as he appeals for bail at the High Court. Mutsvangwa stands accused of foreign currency trading and has been held in custody for three weeks following the denial of bail by the lower court.

Initially, his bail appeal was heard by High Court Judge Esther Muremba, who later recused herself on the day she was expected to deliver her ruling on the bail application. Muremba cited "personal reasons" for dropping the case, although reports suggest she met President Emerson Mnangagwa and Monica Mutsvangwa at the State House prior to this decision.

Subsequently, the case was reassigned to Justice Rodgers Manyangadze, who presided over the proceedings on Wednesday and deferred his ruling to May 31.

Mutsvangwa, along with co-accused Ellis Majachani (45) and Simbarashe Tichingana (38), faces charges under various Acts, including contraventions of the Exchange Control Act, the Bank Use Promotion and Suppression of Money Laundering Act, and the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act. Additionally, Mutsvangwa faces a separate charge for violating the Telecommunications Act.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Mutsvangwa, #Court, #Bail