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Destroyed and burned ballot papers discovered in South Africa

by Staff reporter
03 Jun 2024 at 12:06hrs | Views
MK Party members have discovered destroyed and burned ballot papers hidden in the bushes in Mpumalanga, in Ermelo, Skapruz, ward 16.

The police and local media visited the scene.

This latest allegation of a flawed election process follows the 82-year-old Zuma's late-night visit to the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) National Results Centre in Midrand on Saturday.

In his briefing, the former president issued an unveiled threat to the IEC if the commission decides to go ahead and declare the election results at 6pm on Sunday evening.

"Nobody must declare tomorrow. People will be provoking us," Zuma said, before adding:

Don't rush us. Nobody is going to announce tomorrow. We have more information to give.

IEC dashboard crash and allegations of 'vote-rigging'

According to Zuma, the MK party has "proof" that vote-rigging allegedly went on "in the background" when the IEC dashboard crashed and was down for about two hours on Friday morning.

On Saturday morning, the MK party called for a manual recount of the ballots, claiming that the process was "rigged" to prevent it from securing an outright majority in KwaZulu-Natal.

Zuma's daughter has further accused the IEC of being in cahoots with the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the alleged vote-rigging.

MK party and the Hammarsdale ballots

Three days before the May 29 election, MK party members illegally entered a voting station warehouse in Hammarsdale, KwaZulu-Natal, recorded the voting material stored there and then created a viral disinformation thread alleging the material was being used to rig the election.

In its response to the incident, the IEC said it would take legal action against the MK party members.

Source - citizen