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Bulawayo prophet gambles, wins US$30,000 banned from casino

by Staff reporter
08 Jun 2024 at 17:57hrs | Views
In a contentious incident within the Christian community and among gambling circles, a prominent Bulawayo prophet, Archbishop Emmanuel Mutumwa, claimed to have won over US$30,000 at a local casino through a vision from God.

Mutumwa, leader of the Johanne Masowe eChishanu Apostolic Sect, faced immediate backlash as several local casinos banned him, allegedly to prevent excessive payouts to someone believed to be spiritually guided.

Mutumwa criticized the bans as immoral, highlighting that he played by the rules and his winnings should be respected.

Mutumwa used his jackpot to pay school fees for children of his church members and provided start-up capital for new businesses, aiming to uplift his community. He defended gambling as a potentially positive force when done responsibly, asserting that his winnings were a divine blessing meant to help others.

Casino managers, speaking anonymously, explained that banning consistent winners is a common practice to prevent large payouts, emphasizing that this is legal and part of the casinos' terms and conditions.

Source - bmetro
More on: #Prophet, #Casino, #Ban