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Zwizwai was not working with Tshabangu

by Staff reporter
08 Jun 2024 at 20:49hrs | Views
Opposition leaders Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti have defended the late Murisi Zwizwai amid controversy surrounding his recent role in parliament.

Zwizwai, who passed away after a short illness, was criticized for being appointed as a senator by Sengezo Tshabangu, a contentious figure in the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) who recalled elected opposition officials last year.

At Zwizwai's funeral, Biti highlighted the injustice and lack of empathy shown towards Zwizwai, emphasizing his crucial role during the transition from Morgan Tsvangirai to Nelson Chamisa.

Chamisa urged people to focus on Zwizwai's overall contributions to the opposition rather than his contentious appointment to the senate, acknowledging his dedication and positive impact. Both leaders called for an apology to Zwizwai and his family for the unwarranted criticism he faced.

Source - newzimbabwe