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'Zimbabwe's ZiG won't fail'

by Staff reporter
09 Jun 2024 at 12:28hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa affirmed the robustness of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), a meticulously developed currency backed by gold, which the government diligently worked on for two years.

Introduced by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe's Governor Dr. John Mushayavanhu, ZiG has garnered public acceptance, stabilizing exchange rates and prices, thereby enhancing the country's economic outlook.

Mnangagwa emphasized Zimbabwe's substantial gold reserves, ensuring the solidity of ZiG. He underscored the government's thorough research preceding the currency's launch, heralding ZiG as a cornerstone for Zimbabwe's economic advancement.

Regarding Western sanctions against Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa criticized their illegality and detrimental impact on accessing credit.

Addressing the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he advocated for dialogue as the primary resolution method. Mnangagwa attended the 27th St Petersburg International Economic Forum, a prestigious global platform for business leaders to discuss pertinent economic issues facing Russia and the world.

Source - sundaynews
More on: #ZiG, #RBZ, #Mnangagwa