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Zimbabwe records renewed surge in malaria deaths

by Staff reporter
10 Jun 2024 at 09:28hrs | Views
Medical and Dental Private Practitioners Association of Zimbabwe president Johannes Marisa urged the government to intensify awareness campaigns on the disease.
Zimbabwe has reported over 20,000 malaria cases and 44 deaths in recent weeks, according to the Health and Child Care Ministry.

The Disease Surveillance report for the week ending April 28 highlights that Mashonaland Central is the hardest-hit province, accounting for 50.9% of cases and 28.2% of deaths. 

This week alone saw 1,841 new cases and seven deaths, with 162 cases involving children under five.

The ministry is implementing measures such as indoor residual spraying to curb the spread of malaria. The World Health Organization recognizes malaria as a major public health issue in Zimbabwe, affecting all age groups.

Itai Rusike, executive director of the Community Working Group on Health, cited climate change and insecticide resistance as challenges in combating malaria.

Johannes Marisa, president of the Medical and Dental Private Practitioners Association of Zimbabwe, emphasized the need for increased awareness campaigns and preventive measures, such as destroying mosquito breeding sites and improving diagnostics and treatment. Malaria, a life-threatening disease transmitted by certain mosquitoes, remains a significant threat in the country.

Source - southerneye