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Wicknell Chivhayo exposes Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe in fake voice messages circulating on Social Media

by Nkululeko Nkomo
12 Jun 2024 at 07:46hrs | Views
Wicknell Chivhayo posted a strong statement on his Facebook account, where he came out guns blazing against the circulation of fake and malicious voice recordings that are falsely attributed to him. The statement, titled "Statement on Voice Messages Circulating on Social Media," addresses the alleged voice messages that have been surfacing on various social media platforms.

Chivhayo vehemently refuted, denied, and dismissed the recorded voice messages in question, asserting that he has never created or transmitted such messages. He distanced himself from these fraudulent voice notes and suggested that they may have been fabricated using sophisticated technology with the intention of causing alarm and despondency.

The content of the voice messages aligns with what Chivhayo described as a sustained attack on his reputation by two individuals, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, whom he referred to as extortionists and fraudsters. He accused them of making baseless demands for payments without any legal backing and emphasized his readiness to face any legal consequences resulting from their unfounded claims.

Chivhayo clarified that he had no business dealings with the said individuals and highlighted that he had not entered into any contracts with government entities such as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Department of Immigration, or the Zimbabwe Republic Police, as insinuated in the false voice messages.

Moreover, he expressed concern over the political undertones embedded in the fraudulent messages, which aimed to tarnish his image and that of President E. D. Mnangagwa's administration. Chivhayo distanced himself from any involvement in procurement processes related to elections or government agencies, emphasizing his commitment to transparency and ethical business practices.

In a gesture of goodwill, Chivhayo extended apologies to President Mnangagwa, the First Lady, the First Family, and all government officials potentially affected by the misleading voice messages. He acknowledged the adverse impact of the fabricated messages on public institutions' credibility and promised full cooperation in dispelling the falsehoods presented in the circulating recordings.

The statement concludes with Chivhayo reiterating his adherence to the law, his condemnation of corruption, and his pledge to cooperate fully with state authorities to investigate the origin and authenticity of the misleading voice messages.

Source - Byo24News