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Zanu-PF MP in food aid storm

by Staff reporter
13 Jun 2024 at 06:53hrs | Views
Mutare South legislator Tawanda Dumbarimwe (Zanu-PF) is facing criticism for allegedly inciting hungry villagers to protest against the government by claiming that the State is too broke to distribute food aid. His remarks led to Grain Marketing Board (GMB) officials being summoned by State security agents to explain the delay in transporting grain to the villagers. 
Dumbarimwe reportedly told villagers that he was using personal resources to deliver the grain, which he was contracted by the government to transport in Mutare district.
The controversy intensified when Dumbarimwe allegedly mobilized people to attack a GMB manager at Bezel Bridge over the drought relief program. 

A meeting involving Mutare district development committee members, Joint Operations Command, and GMB officials was held to address the incident. Dumbarimwe, who is involved in the transport business, was accused of misleading villagers into believing he was distributing grain out of goodwill without government involvement.
Mutare district development co-ordinator Tendai Kapenzi confirmed the incident but mentioned that further details would be provided later. Chief Bernard Marange of Mutare West claimed the issue had been resolved, citing fuel concerns as the main problem.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared the El NiƱo-induced drought a national disaster in April and appealed for US$3 billion in humanitarian assistance. The United Nations recently issued a flash appeal for US$429.3 million to aid approximately 3.1 million people facing hunger in Zimbabwe. Government reports indicate that nearly 60% of the population urgently needs food aid.

Source - newsday