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D-Day for CCC MP, accomplices

by Staff reporter
13 Jun 2024 at 06:55hrs | Views
Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator Joanah Mamombe and her co-accused, Makomborero Haruziviishe and Tererai Obey Sithole, will learn their fate today regarding charges of inciting Zimbabweans to revolt against the government in 2020.

Alternatively, they face charges of violating COVID-19 lockdown regulations by assembling in public.

The State, represented by Advocate Tafara Chirambira, has closed its case after presenting evidence from several witnesses, including police officers involved in their arrest.

Mamombe and her co-accused are defended by Alec Muchadehama and Gift Mtisi. At the trial's commencement, they pleaded not guilty, citing their rights to freedom of association and demonstration.

The charges stem from an incident on May 13, 2020, where they, along with others, gathered at Warren Park 1 shopping center in Harare and marched towards the Harare-Bulawayo Highway, displaying placards, one of which read "Unlock us before we revolt."

They were demonstrating against the extension of the COVID-19 national lockdown and were intercepted and dispersed by the police.

Source - newsday
More on: #CCC, #Accomplice, #Court