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Zanu-PF rages at name-dropping Chivayo

by Staff reporter
13 Jun 2024 at 15:01hrs | Views
Wicknell Chivayo, a controversial businessman, has recently come under scrutiny for leaked audio recordings in which he claims to have secured government tenders through his close relationship with President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The recordings suggest that Chivayo portrays himself as a highly influential figure benefiting from the President's support, claiming to be "20 times richer than before."

This has incited strong reactions from the Zanu-PF Youth League, which has publicly denounced Chivayo's claims and influence-peddling. Phillipa Mukoko, the Youth League's secretary for information and publicity, issued a statement criticizing Chivayo for his malicious and scandalous remarks. The Youth League expressed concern over Chivayo's use of the President's name to boost his own status and warned him to stop leveraging his proximity to Mnangagwa for personal gain.

The Youth League emphasized the need to protect the integrity of President Mnangagwa and the national interests of Zimbabwe. They also urged authorities to take immediate action to prevent Chivayo from making further claims and misrepresenting his influence.

In response, Chivayo denied the authenticity of the leaked audios, suggesting they were fabricated by disgruntled business associates, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, whom he described as extortionists. Chivayo refuted any involvement in recording the audios and distanced himself from the alleged statements. He also denied having any contracts with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) or other government entities.

Chivayo maintains that the allegations are part of a broader attempt to tarnish his reputation and undermine the legitimacy of President Mnangagwa and the government. He expressed his readiness to face any legal consequences arising from these accusations.

Source - newzimbabwe