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Soldier in mysterious death

by Staff reporter
14 Jun 2024 at 07:23hrs | Views
A Bulawayo family is questioning the circumstances surrounding the death of their family member, Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) warrant officer class 2 Louice Dube, amid suspicions that he may have been murdered by his girlfriend.

Dube reportedly died at United Bulawayo Hospitals on Tuesday from stab wounds on his back. The official explanation suggests he committed suicide, but the family suspects foul play.

Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube, Louice Dube's uncle, expressed disbelief over the suicide claim, questioning how someone could stab themselves in the back. He mentioned that Louice's girlfriend, also a sergeant in the army, claimed he stabbed himself and she pulled the knife out. Due to these suspicions, the family has decided to delay the burial until investigations are completed.

ZNA spokesperson Colonel Alphios Makotore confirmed the death and stated that investigations are ongoing to determine the cause. The police have not provided any updates on the investigation's status.

Source - newsday
More on: #Soldier, #Murder, #Death