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Chamisa unhappy with Chivayo, Mnangagwa ties

by Staff reporter
14 Jun 2024 at 07:26hrs | Views
Nelson Chamisa, former leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), criticized President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his administration for alleged ties with controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo.

This followed a leaked audio suggesting Chivayo received a substantial sum from a murky Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) tender to supply electoral materials ahead of the August 2023 elections, which Chamisa disputed.

Chamisa accused Mnangagwa's allies of corrupt practices and undermining electoral integrity, claiming irregularities in the electoral process. He condemned the lack of transparency in Zec's operations and called for fresh, free, and fair elections due to the alleged misconduct. CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi echoed these sentiments, labeling Mnangagwa as corrupt and illegitimate.

Other opposition figures and civil society, including MDC spokesperson Chengetai Guta and Election Resource Centre's Takunda Tsunga, raised concerns over Zec's conduct and the potential implications of the allegations on electoral credibility. Former legislator Fadzayi Mahere criticized Mnangagwa's recent legislative changes granting himself authority to exempt public entities from tender processes, suggesting it benefits individuals like Chivayo.

Chivayo denied the authenticity of the audio recording but issued apologies to Mnangagwa and other implicated officials. Zanu-PF youths called for an investigation into Chivayo's actions, expressing discontent over his perceived exploitation of proximity to the President.

Source - newsday