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6 years in jail for cop buttocks stabbing

by Staff reporter
14 Jun 2024 at 08:06hrs | Views
Three men, Nkosilathi Ngwenya, Mduduzi Sibanda, and Melusi Ngwenya, have been sentenced to six years in jail each for assaulting and stabbing Constable Simbarashe Mhembere, a police officer stationed in Bulawayo. They were convicted of attempted murder and escaping from lawful custody.

The incident occurred on February 15th in Cowdray Park suburb, where the trio allegedly resisted arrest during a murder investigation. They violently assaulted Constable Mhembere, stabbing him multiple times with an okapi knife on his arms, shoulder, and buttocks. They also reportedly took his handcuff keys and uncuffed one of their accomplices before fleeing the scene.

During their trial, all three defendants pleaded not guilty and claimed they were falsely accused. Melusi Ngwenya stated he was not involved and had left for a mine in Inyathi upon hearing from his brother. Mduduzi Sibanda said he was at home with his wife and was assaulted and forced to admit guilt by police. Nkosilathi Ngwenya claimed he was merely passing by the scene and was also coerced into a false confession after being beaten by police.

Despite their defenses, the magistrate found them guilty based on the evidence presented. Each received a five-year sentence for attempted murder with one year suspended for good behavior, and an additional two years for escaping from custody, totaling six years each in prison.

The magistrate emphasized that their actions had publicly humiliated Constable Mhembere and that they had violently assaulted him in front of witnesses, leading to severe injuries.

Source - bmetro