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PUBLIC ALERT: Manhunt launched for fugitive Alessandro Marconati

by George Tshuma
14 Jun 2024 at 16:23hrs | Views
Alessandro Marconati, son of the infamous self-styled Italian Mafia boss Francesco Marconati, has fled from the rule of law. Authorities are appealing to the public for assistance in locating him.

Alessandro Marconati, 25, is on the run following a recent arrest warrant issued by the Harare Provincial Head of the Judiciary Services Commission. The warrant was issued after Alessandro and his father were found to have failed to complete their court-mandated community service. While Francesco Marconati has been detained and is currently held at Harare Central Prison pending appeal, Alessandro remains at large, evading law enforcement efforts to bring him to justice.

The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings of Alessandro Marconati to the nearest police station immediately. A police spokesperson emphasized the importance of community cooperation in this matter. "Alessandro Marconati is actively avoiding capture and is considered a fugitive. We rely on the public's assistance to ensure he is brought to justice. If you see him or have any information on his whereabouts, please contact your nearest police station immediately."

Alessandro, who was jointly sentenced with his father for threatening to kill their business partner Li Song, has a history of involvement in illegal activities. This includes allegations of abusing workers and preventing fellow directors from accessing company mines in Matabeleland North. His flight from justice further underscores his disregard for the legal system and the rule of law.

The Marconati family has long been a controversial presence in the region. Senior ZANU PF political figures, who previously offered protection to the Marconatis, have withdrawn their support in light of their continued illegal activities and disregard for legal and advisory interventions. This political shift has left Alessandro and his father without their former safety net, increasing the urgency of their situation.

Community members have expressed relief at the crackdown on the Marconatis. "We are happy that the authorities are finally taking action against them," said Mthokozisi Ncube, a local resident. "Their actions have caused a lot of suffering in our community, and it’s time for justice to be served." Another resident, Sipho Dube, added, "We hope Alessandro is found soon and faces the consequences of his actions. His abuse of our workers and disregard for the law cannot go unpunished."

The search for Alessandro Marconati is now a priority for law enforcement agencies. Police have urged the public to be cautious and not to approach him if seen but to report any information that could lead to his capture..

Source - Byo24News