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EcoCash launches new mobile App

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 13:17hrs | Views
EcoCash, Zimbabwe's leading mobile money platform, has unveiled a brand-new mobile app in Harare today, June 13, 2024, featuring enhanced security and a more user-friendly interface packed with additional functionalities compared to its predecessor.

The upgraded app allows EcoCash customers to perform a variety of new tasks such as sending money to multiple recipients, exchanging currencies between US dollars and Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), downloading statements, and accessing expanded transaction histories. These features complement existing capabilities like buying airtime, paying for ZESA tokens, and settling bills at supermarkets and hospitals.

Munyaradzi Nhamo, Managing Director of EcoCash, emphasized that the new app represents a significant stride in innovation driven by customer feedback. He highlighted enhanced security measures, including biometric identification, to safeguard financial transactions amid growing digital threats.

Nhamo underlined the app's Bureau de Change services, enabling users to conduct currency exchanges conveniently and securely on their smartphones. Additionally, a new feature facilitates simultaneous payments to multiple recipients, ideal for businesses and organizations seeking efficient transaction management.

The new EcoCash app is now available for download on Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and Huawei's AppGallery. Nhamo assured customers that the old app would co-exist for three months before being phased out, aiming to facilitate a smooth transition.

The launch coincides with EcoCash's ongoing Chakachaya paEcoCash promotion, offering incentives like doubled points and prizes such as smartphones and airtime to encourage adoption of the new app.

Overall, EcoCash aims to enhance customer convenience and security while reinforcing its position as Zimbabwe's preferred mobile money solution through continuous innovation and service excellence.

Source - newsday
More on: #Ecocash, #App, #Econet