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Prophet in trouble for kissing followers' privates

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 13:15hrs | Views
In a startling incident, a self-proclaimed prophet from Mt Darwin, Mashonaland Central province, faces legal trouble after allegedly performing exorcisms that involved kissing the private parts of 12 men.

Shephard Maribha, residing in Hopi village under Chief Nembire, Mt Darwin, was brought before the Bindura regional courts on Wednesday to answer to these charges. Magistrate Elisha Singano presided over the case and remanded Maribha in custody until June 21.

According to prosecutor Edward Katsvairo, Maribha is accused of deceiving 12 men between February and June this year. He allegedly convinced them that they were possessed by evil spirits and claimed he could rid them of these spirits by touching and sucking their private parts.

Maribha's actions came to light when the matter was reported to the police, resulting in his subsequent arrest.

Source - newsday