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Maid shares loot with cops

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 11:05hrs | Views
Marvelous Mapfumo, a resident of Harare, appeared in court accused of stealing US$107,000 from her Chinese employer, Mey Sisi Lin. Mapfumo allegedly shared the stolen money with two police officers from Central Criminal Bureau, who are now fugitives. She was remanded in custody until the following Monday.

The prosecution alleges that on May 30, 2024, in Highlands, Harare, Mapfumo stole the aforementioned sum from Mey Sisi Lin. Subsequently, she purportedly split the money with Hebert Chikwiza and Paul Kondo, who had assured her protection.

Following a tip-off received by detectives from CID Nkulumane, Bulawayo, on June 12, 2024, stating that Mapfumo had boarded a truck to South Africa via Botswana, they arrested her. Upon apprehension, she was returned to CID Highlands, Harare, where she disclosed Chikwiza and Kondo's involvement.

Further investigations revealed that the trio met at a lodge in Waterfalls, allegedly to divide the stolen money. Reportedly, the police officers received US$60,000, while Mapfumo received US$47,000. Chikwiza purportedly took custody of Mapfumo's share, suspecting she was being tracked by detectives. Later, Kondo reportedly housed Mapfumo at his girlfriend's residence in Sunningdale, preventing her from communicating with others while arranging her escape to South Africa.

Rufaro Chonzi represented the State in court.

Source - newsday
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