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MP gets 'lost' in his own constituency

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 12:55hrs | Views
Chiredzi South MP, Joel Sithole appeared lost in his own constituency when he visited Malipati for an irrigation project ground-breaking ceremony organized by Sustainable Agriculture Technology (SAT) last week.

Villagers seemed not to recognize or acknowledge him when he stood up to deliver a speech. It is the tradition in Zanu-PF that when an MP stands up to give a speech, people ululate and clap hands as a way of respect.

The villagers showed no interest in his speech up to the end and he then seemed lost and started telling the villagers that he was an important man because he and the councillor were the eyes of President Mnangagwa.

"Vanamai ko pururudzaika (Please ladies ululate for me),"Sithole pleaded with women at the event.

Asked why villagers seemed not to be interested in their own MP, one of the villagers said Sithole is always absent.

Efforts to get a comment from Sithole were futile as his mobile could not be reached for a comment.

Another villager said most people in the constituency still prefer former MP retired Brigadier General Calisto Gwanetsa.

Source - The Mirror
More on: #Lost, #Zanu-PF