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Prisca Mupfumira not guilty of US$90m NSSA corruption, says court

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 13:47hrs | Views
Prisca Mupfumira, a former minister of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare in Zimbabwe, has been acquitted of charges accusing her of embezzling US$90 million from the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).

Deputy Chief Magistrate Ngoni Nduna delivered the judgement, clearing Mupfumira of any wrongdoing. The charges stemmed from allegations that she improperly influenced NSSA to engage with Drawcard, a land development firm, without following proper tender procedures.

The magistrate's ruling emphasized that Mupfumira was not a member of the NSSA Board and therefore could not be held accountable for its decisions. He criticized the state for persisting with her prosecution despite clear evidence that she was not involved in the decision-making process regarding NSSA's engagement with Drawcard. The court also highlighted failures within NSSA's legal department for not providing adequate advice to the board regarding procurement regulations.

Mupfumira, represented by legal practitioners Rubaya and Chatambudza, consistently maintained her innocence throughout the trial, portraying herself as a victim of political persecution due to her loyalty to President Emmerson Mnangagwa. The court agreed with her defense, noting a lack of evidence linking her to any illegal activities or personal gain from the alleged dealings with Drawcard.

Her co-accused, Barnabas Matongera, was discharged earlier in the trial due to insufficient evidence against him. Mupfumira's acquittal concludes a lengthy legal process during which she denied all allegations and argued that she was unfairly targeted for political reasons rather than evidence-based legal concerns.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Mupfumira, #Court, #Nssa