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Ex-cop strikes mother to death with a hoe

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 19:37hrs | Views
Sungano Makubika, a former police officer from Chihota Village in Zimbabwe's Marondera district, has shocked his community by fatally attacking his mother with a hoe.

According to sources, the conflict arose over delays in issuing his niece's birth certificate and suspicions that his mother had bribed a law enforcement agent to secure his release from a previous murder charge.

Village headman Sabhuku Gotora described the incident as both "strange" and "fearful," expressing his dismay and urging non-violent dispute resolution. Eyewitnesses reported that Makubika chased, kicked, and ultimately killed his mother with repeated blows from a hoe after she tried to walk away from an argument.

Neighbors were initially too frightened to intervene due to Makubika's threats but eventually managed to subdue him until police arrived. Despite their efforts, Makubika's mother, referred to as Mai Maud, was already dead by the time assistance reached her. Makubika then dragged her body away, dismissing it as "rubbish," and locked himself inside his house with his niece.

Police have since detained Makubika, and investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Police, #Cop, #Hoe